December 2013

• getUserMedia() permissions will be sticky for HTTPS on Android from M33
• public-webrtc thread: screensharing will only be available from (Chrome) apps:
Screensharing is more dangerous than webcam access, because the attacker can record the screen, AND control what is displayed on it. It only takes one frame to capture sensitive information – far less than would be noticeable by a user. Requiring unambiguous opt-in for sharing, and being able to remotely disable bad actors, are therefore the best hope of security. To opt in, the user will need to install an app or extension, and when actually sharing, select the window/desktop to be shared from a consent box. Installing through an app store is an explicit grant of trust by the user to the application (similar to installing a desktop app). Visiting a web page is not.
• Are Facebook VoIP calls on Android Using WebRTC?
• Messaging with XMPP over WebSocket
• 87 Percent of Telecom Leaders Factor WebRTC into Product Roadmaps
• P2PXHR from Peer5 (who built same interface as XHR but optionally attempts to get assets from peers before making normal XHR request
• The Evolving WebRTC Ecosystem
• Yahoo acquires PeerCDN

• Add a resize event to video element for when the video changes dimensions:
• Intent to Implement: Audio and video tracks
• Intent to Implement (shot down – see later comments): TTML, an XML format for captions and subtitles
• JavaScript HLS converter/player:
• Cullen Jennings explanation of H.264 and IPR
• Daala video compression project

Web Audio
• Web MIDI now implemented for Windows in Chrome 33.

And finally...
• Intent to Implement: Improved NetInfo API
'In the past year video-watching on mobile devices has doubled. This year in the US, the average time spent with digital media per day will surpass TV viewing. Viewing is no longer a passive act. In the US, 87% of entertainment consumers say they use at least one second-screen device while watching television. The increasingly social nature of viewing content is also driving commerce; television is a major catalyst for search. No surprise, then, that the television industry would look to lower costs of video distribution to the largest number of devices. HTML5 video is widely supported and new capabilities are on the way.'